For this assignment, I was assigned a word and was tasked to create a short film that strives to represent it with a partner.
Me and my partner were given the word "loving" and immediately began brainstorming in class. We made a storyboard of our idea and made our film a love story between a couple and tried to portray that emotion with certain camera angles, and shots.
Our storyboard helped me and my partner a lot when it came to filming our project. Because we had visualized everything before filming, we were able to have enough time to try out other kinds of shots after trying what we had written down before. Since we were organized, we had time to experiment with different things.
Unfortunately, my computer is very old and can't download the app adobe premiere, and I didn't have time to edit in class because my computer wasn't working. However, I used the app iMovie on my computer to edit at home and was very happy with the result.
While editing, I was very proud of my color grading. I attempted to create a warm and saturated tone to the film to convey a romantic and cozy feeling. I like how it turned out and don't think it looks overly saturated or too dull. I like the background music that I added but I think I might be biased because I love jazz music. However, I think that it fits the film perfectly. I do regret the dolly zoom I made. I don't think it was the right choice to make considering its supposed to be a romantic and slow kind of film, and the dolly zoom seems a little rushed and over the top. I think I should've thought while filming how it would look in the long run, and not just done it because I thought it seemed cool in the moment. I also would've liked to add some filler scenes in the project because I think it could have made the film seem more visually interesting.