Friday, February 7, 2025

Movie Credit Research

Hey! So for this research, I need to analyze movie openings and of course, I chose to do some of my favorite movies: Vertigo, Se7en, and Juno. I am very interested in mixing artistic elements into some classic horror/slasher genre conventions, so hopefully this research can add some more inspiration. Although these are all very different movies, I enjoy a lot of different aspects from each of these movies and hope to share them with you!


So this opening I think is going to be the biggest inspiration for my piece. This opening not only sets the tone for the rest of the film, but also reflects what will later occur in the film. I love how disorienting it is and the use of color in the sequence.

Firstly I would like to talk about the colors used in this opening. The use of the color red to represent the lust and danger along with the black which creates a sense of mystery, are both used effectively to introduce the viewer to the themes of the story. But one of the things that I like the most about this movie is how it begins in very pale colors, but once the camera got closer to the eye it turned red. This created a sense of dread, especially as the eye went wider. It almost feels like the camera got covered in blood and even though this film is not explicitly a 'bloody' kind of horror film, this shot makes you eager to see what happens in the film. 

Since i'm hoping my film to be a psychological horror, I really enjoy how the use of graphics help nod to the movie title 'Vertigo' but not just the medical condition, but also metaphorically. The opening of this film with the help of graphics kind of foreshadow the fate of the main character and his struggles. The whirls also kind of remind me of how an obsession becomes and how it just pulls you in. 

And lastly, the use of music was crucial to really making this opening as good as it was. The haunting and calm tune that begins but suddenly booms when you see the title card makes you feel uneasy and disoriented. To be completely honest the music matches the scene so well I could not think of anything else that could replace it. The graphics along with the music however, further reinforces the idea of obsession since the music almost sounds like it's pulling you in too.

Although I don't think this style would be good for my film, I really adore this credit scene and think it's probably one of the coolest ones i've seen. I think it's super unique and so many ways and it almost reminds me of the American Horror Story show's intros.

Firstly, I would like to talk about the camera shots of the opening. I love how gritty, dark, and grunge it is and I think a lot of it could be due to the camera work. The use of extreme close ups and the constant motion of the images, creates a sense of uncomfort and almost makes it feel like a found footage kind of movie. The credits includes some pretty disturbing images like strange photographs, needles, and drawings that are packed together to create something that seems like a disturbed mind to disorient the viewer.

The font used for this opening is also perfect, and it sets the tone for the rest of the film.
It's shown in a jagged font that resembles maybe rough handwriting or a typewriter, which contributes to the almost raw and eerie feeling of the sequence. This choice definitely challenges traditional opening titles, and the roughness of the font, combined with the overwhelming visuals, creates a sense of discomfort for the viewer.

As soon as I watched this film I recognized the song closer by nine inch nails to be the mysterious song in the opening. This song has been warped a little bit with industrial and mechanical sounds in the background which not only adds to the original song, but pairs very well with the disturbing visuals. This choice of sound almost heightens the feeling when you are watching this scene and almost lets the audience know that the film you are about to watch is not a conventional one.


Although this movie is very different from the other two, I choose to include this film in my research because there is something from the opening that really stood out to me and I want to at least attempt to replicate it in my film opening.

I really like the mixed medias used in this, the use of real footage and animation mixed is such a creative way to make a shot or scene look even more visually interesting and is guaranteed to hook the viewer. But what I especially love, is how this movie transitions into the animated sequence. As Juno walks by a tree, everything from the tree beyond is animated. I would really like to use that to introduce the credits in the scene of my movie. In my case, the beginning of the film takes place in the forest, so as the camera tracks the character and passes by a tree, a new credit will appear.

I think like Se7en, Juno does a great job at not playing it safe and finding the perfect font to fit in the world that she lives in. During the animated sequences, the font almost looks like it could be a part of the earth that she is living in because of how fitting it is. The use of bright colors and colorful drawings also reminds the viewer that this is very obviously a teenage girl despite the difficult events that follow. Also, her wardrobe almost reminds me of a cartoon character which I argue makes her fit the world drawn around her even more.

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