Thursday, March 13, 2025

CCR #2

How did we arrive at out target audience? Psychological thrillers are popular with under 25 year olds as well as adults up to their 50s. This gives the genre a very broad age range and the potential to reach a lot of people. Adults rather than children below 18 are targeted for most psychological thrillers because the nature of this genre is often intellectually demanding, violent and/or psychologically disturbing.

Luckily, slashers have a similar target audience being teenagers and young adults, often aged 15-25. This works really well because our film integrates a lot from both genre and ensures that the people who are viewing our films are likely to appreciate things from both genres.


How do our production choices engage with our target audience: Our film’s production choices, like the signature mask and the focus on trauma and psychological spirals, are designed to both scare and really engage our audience. The killer’s mask isn’t just another slasher trope—it represents the killer’s true identity and the mask they wear to hide it, adding depth to the film’s psychological layers.

Also, since the film is set in the 80s, which is known as the golden age of slasher films, we’re channeling classics like Friday the 13th, A Nightmare on Elm Street, and Halloween. The 80s-inspired clothing and outfits help bring out nostalgia and cultural relevance, while also showing off the characters' personalities and keeping the audience visually hooked.

The forest setting is another key element. It’s a familiar backdrop that immediately makes viewers think of classic slasher films, while also tapping into the fear of the unknown. The eerie atmosphere of the forest draws people in, making them wonder what dangers lie in the shadows and building the suspense for everything that’s about to happen.

I plan to have my film be screened at some film festivals so that it can get as much exposure as possible. Some of these festivals include Sundance, Tribeca, Fantasia International Film Festival, and some other smaller festivals. I also will have my film be available on youtube so people on the internet could have easy access to it and hopefully will expose more people to it. 

Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Group Meeting #2

So today in class we had our second group meeting! 

First, Anabella told us about how her project was going and told us how she filmed with her dad and one of her friends. Her biggest obstacle was that she needed to film with her friends dog and he would not cooperate. She said it took them about 1 hour to film 3 shots. She also walked us through some of her mise en scene elements like the construction of her beer bottles which were actually just sparkling water bottles with a new label on it. She told us that she was finishing up the editing process and is currently writing her script for the CCR.

Kailen decided to use an actual camera which she wasn't very sure how to operate and it wasn't until after she finished filming that she realized that she hadn't recorded half of her clips. This was a pretty big issue but I think she was able to re-film them so it ended up working our fine. Another issue was that she only had one actor when first started filming and she did need a couple more.

Adil has everything on the right track from what I heard, the only really big issue is that he needs to find time for him and his partner to film. However, he is combatting this issue by writing the script for the CCR and filming some of that in the meantime until he and his partner can find a time they can film together.

Aneesh said that his story just doesn't really add up and even though he does have his entire project filmed, it doesn't have the effect that he wanted it to have. We all pitched in some ideas to give the story a darker tone but it is a stalker kind of story and one of the only rules for the project was that we couldn't do a stalker film. I'm not sure if he is going to keep going with the story he initially had, or if he is going to change up his plot. 

I didn't really get much feedback since I already have all of my filming done and overall i'm pretty happy with it. However, they did give me some ideas for what I could do for my CCR. I'm thinking I could do a documentary style exploring the set of my film while answering questions. I'm still unsure for my other CCR, but I might do a classic interview style with some unique mise en scene elements integrated so that it will be visually interesting for the viewer.

CCR #2

How did we arrive at out target audience? Psychological thrillers are popular with under 25 year olds as well as adults up to their 50s. Thi...