Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Sound Project

For this project, I first learned during the lesson about synchronous sound, asynchronous sound, diegetic sound, non diegetic sound, sound motif, sound perspective, and sound bridges. Then, I followed by watching a couple of videos about foley artists and how they use unique objects to create something called a 'soundscape.' I thought it was very interesting that every sound other than dialogue has to be made outside of the actual filming of the movie. I also watched a video on Christopher Nolan's use of shepherd tone in his film 'Dunkirk' which I enjoyed because he is one of my favorite filmmakers, and I thought the sound illusion was trippy but fascinating.

After learning about sound, I was assigned a project to create my own soundscape. I needed to create a scene only using sound that would occur in the span of 1-2 minutes. I was able to use sounds from the internet and created my own foley sounds for the scene. 

Me and my partner decided to create a scene inspired by dismissal time at school, since we experience it everyday and wanted to attempt to recreate it. We created an outline of 5 scenes; the first one was packing up and the bell ringing, the second one was walking out of school, the third was finding a ride home, the fourth was the car ride, and the last one was the arrival at home. We wrote under each scene what sounds would be heard in the background during each event for example, backpacks zipping, feet squeaking, foot tapping, chairs moving, etc. This outline really helped me stay organized when I was searching for the sounds on the audio websites. We split up the scenes and she did the first half, and I did the second half. I used adobe premiere to edit my project.

I think that editing wise, I did pretty well and I think that in the end I was happy with my result. It seemed to me that the soundscape I made sounded similarly as to what would happen at a school. However, I do believe that some of the sounds could've been more seamless. I think that I also would have liked to add more sounds, especially during the looking for a ride portion of the soundscape. I think that looking for a car ride home is usually more chaotic and I could've represented that better if I used more variety of sounds.

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Group Meeting #2

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