Saturday, February 8, 2025

Font Ideas/ Research

 Hey!! So since the idea that I have for this film opening is a little bit hectic, I think the best case for me is to try to make the font as simple as possible. Maybe i'll do a bold color, but I really don't want to take away from the scene by using something to intense. These are some examples of fonts that i'm interested in:

This font is definitely a more traditional typewriter kind of font but I feel like it could make the movie seem more like a psychological horror while not taking away from the action since the text kind of replicates what you would find on an official piece of paper. I also feel like the typewriter font implies that there is something more sinister or dark underneath the surface which could fit really well in our narrative. I think it's a very nice contrast and I would really like to test it out once done with filming.

This font on the other hand seems very minimalistic which I argue might actually make it scarier. Almost like American Psycho, like perfect and simple, yet full of darkness. However, I think it might be a little to simple and might seem confusing in front of all the action happening so I don't think I will go this route. 

I picked this font simply because I thought it looked really fun and really fit into the whole 80s vibe of a slasher so I might actually consider doing it. This filter makes me think of the 'Se7en' credit scene and how the font went really well with the rest of the shots and didn't distract at all from the rest of the scenes so I think this is a really good option that i'll have to test when I have all the footage. I think this might actually help tie the whole thing together and maybe add to the tone of the film.

I think that if we make the block letter a bright color and the inside line white, there could be a really cool neon effect that could look awesome in the film. I'll have to see but even just plain, I think would fit perfectly into our story.

This font seems very dark and would definitely match the energy of a horror movie, however it does actually reminds me a lot of Dracula or something more gothic so I doubt i'll go this route only because it's not really the vibe of my film. 

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