Friday, February 28, 2025

Production- Obstacles while filming!!

Hey guys!! So today we had our first day of filming and unfortunately we did run into a couple of issues. First, one of the actors was unable to show up to film so we had to tweak the script a little and alter the story. This wasn't necessarily that big of an issue since we weren't fully relying on him to show up since he had told us in an anticipation that he wasn't sure if he was going to make it. We had another idea if this was going to happen so we were prepared. 

Also, we wanted to film inside of a bathroom at the park that we were at but when we tried to open it, it was locked. Since we didn't actually prepare for this and didn't have a back up plan, we had to improvise a little and we ended up making it work. We filmed outside of the bathroom and had the character attempt to enter the bathroom and used it being locked as a feature in the film, since he was getting chased by a killer. 

Another obstacle is that we were filming pretty deep into the forest so a couple times I realized I left some things in my car and had to take the 10 min trek every time. This wouldn't have been a big issue if we had a lot of time, but we were under some time constraints since some of the actors needed to get home, so it was annoying. 

And lastly, my walkman stopped working when we arrived at the park!! This didn't really affect the film since there are no shots explicitly of the walkman working, but I was a little sad to realize this only when we arrived there. Other than these little annoyances, I think filming went pretty smoothly and i'm excited to edit and see how it turns out!!

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