Monday, March 3, 2025

Production- Filming day 2!

 So today was the 2nd day of filming! We recorded the other minute of the film and i'm really excited for how it came out. Since the library was closed, we filmed at barnes and noble and we came up with some pretty creative shots and I think the actors did amazing. Here are a few freeze frames from our footage!

In these shots, I wanted to convey a darker and more sad/drained tone so you'll notice that I had low exposure on all these scenes. In this scene, the girl was starting to realize the severity of the crime she witnessed and is almost going on a downward spiral, so her blue clothes helped represent coldness and isolation that she was feeling.

In this clip, we are going to edit it along with another clip that we got the last time we filmed, and create a cool and unique match-cut to show the passage of time and how it passes without her even being present in it. I think this is what i'm most excited to see at the end of editing!!

And lastly, this shot really shows how deeply the crime she saw affects her because she is doing something completely irrational (talking to a dead person) in public, and it's evident that she knows its wrong. She is almost arguing with him even though she knows that she saw him die.

With all our footage, we can finally put the entire project together and I can't wait to show it!! Hopefully it matches up to our expectations!!

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